Field Trips

Are you still allowed to go on field trips? Nothing is more engaging than a field trip done well. In Fredericksburg, we are surrounded by many historic locations. This past week we went to visit
Mary Washington's house (George's mother!). When we were there the students were treated to very engaging lessons using real artifacts and replicas that the students could touch and see and even smell. We loved seeing the actual mirror that Mary Washington would have used!

At the
Apothecary shop, we were amazed to hear the stories of how the doctor treated patients in the 1700's - leeches were especially cool! We even got to act out getting our arm that's engaging. Our last stop was at the
Rising Sun Tavern where we learned more about how people traveled back then. It was very interesting to see how the wealthy were treated vs. the every day folks.
One of the tips I have to share today is our field trip form. This was originally created by Lori Kania a teacher at my school that we use every year. You can get it for
FREE by clicking here.
Hope you can use it!
We used to go to Fredericksburg and take the walking tour. This year (and last year) we're going to Ferry Farm (George Washington's boyhood farm). This is a truly neat place where they do archeological digs, chart weather/growing patterns, and measure area/perimeter among other things. All of it's related to George Washington in some way. We love it!