To continue with the theme of 10-2 (10 minutes instruction and 2 minutes to summarize learning) I will showcase T-P-S in the ways we use it in my classroom.
When do I use it?
- When the students are too quiet and have that look of "la-la-land" on their faces...time to talk!
- When the students are too chatty ...let them chat on topic!
- use it in every subject all throughout the day...
- Sometimes we think that kids have to write down thoughts to prove they learned it.
- Not all kids like to write...
- It is low risk - they are sharing their thoughts with only one other person...ideal for the shy kid.
- Verbal expression cements knowledge.
- Other students can catch misunderstandings quickly!
- It is fun!
- Sometimes we turn and talk to the person next to us.
- Sometimes we find a friend at another table (allows for movement, too)
- Sometimes we are paired up by clock buddies
- Sometimes we share with more than one person
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