Monday, October 15, 2012

Awesome product for your binders....

Are you a binder addict like me??  I have so many binders I sometimes forget which one I am using.  I have my data binder, my meeting binder, my math binder, my every day binder, and my reading binder, and my....well, you get the drift!

Anyway...anyone who binders knows that the best tool for the job is a 3 ring hole puncher. 

I just got the greatest 3 ring hole puncher EVER! 

It's the papermonster electric hole punch .  I was honored to get an email from  offering me a chance to test one out.  And boy do I LOVE it...and so does my team!  We bring it with us to team meetings, data meetings, etc... It punches up to 15 pages at a time and makes it easy to organize all of your notebook needs.  I highly recommend it!


Enjoy it! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog background...I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Click below to see the post! Enjoy!

    Award Post

    Dana :)
