Sunday, April 15, 2012


This is a fun way to summarize...using the Alphabet! 

I have created this ABC brainstorming chart to use as table groups to review content vocabulary from science and social studies.  You can give them a time limit (if you have a competitive bunch) or turn it into an ABC book. You can download this here for free. 

      But I have a few other tricks up my sleeve....

    1.  Randomly assign a letter of the alphabet to each student.  (You can do this by passing out a magnetic letter.)   Then, give them one minute to think of a word that summarizes the lesson or reminds them of the content we are studying.  Whip around the room to share.
    2.  Put a bunch of magnetic letters in a bag...have the student pick out of the bag and write the word on an index card.  Then you can try to group the words together by categories.
3.  Give students a key word that you are studying - such as resource.  Then, you can turn that word into an acrostic poem to summarize learning on an index card.

Enjoy engaging your learners....

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