Sunday, September 16, 2012

Do pencils drive you crazy???

They drive me crazy too!  Last year I found a system that actually worked.  First when the kids bring in their supplies in the fall, instead of doing a community share system (where 4th graders see the supply as endless thus why take care of them????) I went to an individual storage system. 

The students will put there pencils in a plastic bag with their name labled on it.

Then I store these pencil bags in a crate right next to the pencil sharpener.  It allows for the students to get a new pencil when they need it and sharpen it easily (in the morning before instruction starts).  Also, if they run out -- then I can let their parents know (or grab from the extra supplies if it is a student in financial need). 
Guess what? The kids took better care of them! And pencils lasted all year......
Second tip comes from my team mate Christina.  She found an awesome product on Really Good Stuff. 
It is a pencil holder for the top of their desks!  My students this year are a little squirrely...they are constantly in motion and pencils are all over the place.  This little baby is a life saver.  The kids always have a pencil on their desk in place and not rolling all over the floor.
It is affordable - if you by 3 or more sets they are $3.99 for 12.  So for $8 you can have a class set.  They have an adhesive to stick to the desk for easy installation.
Do you have other ideas to keep you sane???

1 comment:

  1. I saw these little diddies in RGS too! I just didn't get around to buying them... might have to go shopping today ;)

